:die Level: +1, Rockford: 0 It appears that you were killed to death... Fear not, as nobody has made it out of life alive yet! #@#*$&@:P*! Awww, you got dead again! Collision with a harmful tile was detected; reset initiated... Maybe save some points by typing "pn" after closing this notice. ;) It's never too late to try something different... Surely you're getting tired of hearing that stupid death sound? :time Next time that depleting counter is almost finished, you should hurry up! The clock has no mind - it cannot wait for you. It seems you've died of old age... Try sauntering a bit less...running a bit more... You were careful in not colliding with anything, but perhaps too careful... :die time No more boulders to dodge and you still can't win... :win Success! Hooray! Yes, yes, yes! Excellent! You win! This time... Finished! You survived long enough to reach the exit! V, V-I, V-C-I-T-O-R-Y! Achievement achieved! Level cleared! (Enough to win, at least)