If you already looked at the levelset, you know that many of them can't be included in CCLP1, and I don't intend them to. I left them in there simply for your entertainment (or frustration). I didn't know about the Lynx ruleset until about two or three weeks ago, or CCLP1 until a week and a half. By then, I still had a few levels in progress, which is why this is submitted so close to the deadline. The levels: 1: Inverted - Yeah, I'm not a fan of it either. I thought it was a novel idea until I found CCLP2. But perhaps this is the simplicity sought after? 2: Tele-portable - I originally named this "Chimes" because of the sound the teleports make in the original MS Chip's Challenge game. Doesn't have quite the same ring in Tile World to me. 3: Ruined Canal - I started making this one after I learned about Lynx, so I didn't have many issues with it like I did with the next one. My main issue was actually trying to keep it simple. It's still pretty difficult, though, but I think it's my best one yet. 4: RANDOMNESS! - An adaptation of a level I made at least two years ago (actually, a classmate made the first part and I expanded on it). Despite the name, there are hardly any random elements in the game (blobs on unconnected traps, two trivial force floors and a walker machine with walkers in single file); the randomness is simply in the level layout. It was a lot of pain making it Lynx-compatible, but at least it could be done, unlike my other "MS only" levels. Perhaps "Upset Stomach" could, but it would be very ugly; this one is already ugly so I don't care as much. Now that I think about it, perhaps I should have left this level untimed.... 5: Cruel and Unusual - Exactly what it says. The hint tile can only be reached in MS because the hint only applies to MS rules; it states how to use slide delay in the level. Probably too difficult for a CCLP1 level...perhaps make all the walls visible (and then rename it, of course)? 6 and 7 - I actually have no idea what to do with these. Take the ideas if you like. 8: Level Zero - This was level 256 in my original set (after 200-so empty levels because that's how many I planned to make), in reference to the 8-bit level-number-storing variables in old arcade machines. Originally, this level didn't have an exit. 9: MS Only - Made specifically to indicate where the Lynx-compatible levels end, nothing more.... *looks around suspiciously* 10-13 - I don't have much to say on these, other than they were all made long before I was aware of the Lynx ruleset. 14: NULL - The "dummy" level to prevent the termination glitch. The name is a reference to the keyword (or constant in some languages) that indicates an empty reference or the end of an array--in this case, an array of levels. 15 (!): King Fireball - This level is so difficult I never managed to solve it. This was actually an experiment to see if such a thing is solvable. But even if it wasn't so difficult, I think it's automatically disqualified from inclusion into CCLP1 because segments of it were cloned from segments of other levels--specifically, "Creative One-Ways" (or "Chip's Fight", since it shows up in both) and "Block Maze" - all of which are in CCLP2. The only difference is that, in my level, the blocks are required for more than simply deflecting pink balls. In my .dac file for Tile World, I set the last level to 14. I made a cypher for this level, but that's for me to know and for you to find out. I had no idea what to name this level, and its current name still seems a bit cheesy. Any suggestions? 16: The REAL End - A special last level for the previous. Nothing to see here, really. - random 8 ==================== UPDATES: v2 - changed the hint in level 3 v3 - fixed a minor bust in level 3 and a tile in level 5 v4 - fixed a minor bust in level 15 which spared a block v5 - few more edits in level 3 and changed level 15's title v6 - changed level 12's title and fixed a bust in level 10 (thanks M11k4!) v7 - fixed a bug in level 12. Apparently, I made an edit a while back that I completely forgot about, which messed up the monster order and, consequently, the bug cloner at 0,24. v8 - small edits to most of the levels, which can potentially affect existing solution files. I'll update my solution files later when I have time, but (hopefully) this is the last update to the set itself. v9 - in my haste in the last update, I made an error on level 2, which is now fixed. vFinal (hopefully) - updated solutions. The levels themselves have NOT been changed in this update (though, without thinking, I re-uploaded the one on the Yahoo! group). vPostFinal - added a Lynx-compatible version of #11. The MS-Only levels have been removed (they're still in ConsistentInconsistency.dat if you want to play them). vPostFinal2 - updated TWS. Level set remains unchanged.