Chip's Challenge Fan-Created Levels Collection #1 Variety Pack 50 levels. Levels 18, 19, 21, 24, 31, and 37 were created by Rick Bellamy. His E-mail address is All the other levels were created by me, Scott Feeney. You can E-mail me at or visit our Chip's Challenge page at Or, you could try both! :p The completed levels are numbered 1-47, 51, 61, and 146. Level 145, Thanks To..., will not be finished until I have more people to thank! HOW TO INSTALL NEW LEVELS ------------------------- In your Entertainment Pack directory, rename CHIPS.DAT to ORIGCHIP.DAT. Save a backup copy of ENTPACK.INI (usually C:\WINDOWS directory) in case this process wipes out scores, passwords, etc. Copy LEVELS01.DAT to your Entertainment Pack directory and rename it to CHIPS.DAT. Run Chip's Challenge. (If it is already running, close it and load it again.) TO GET YOUR ORIGINAL LEVELS, SCORES, AND PASSWORDS BACK ------------------------------------------------------- Rename CHIPS.DAT back to LEVELS01.DAT. Rename ORIGCHIP.DAT back to CHIPS.DAT. In C:\WINDOWS, delete ENTPACK.INI and replace it with your ENTPACK.INI backup. Run Chip's Challenge again to play the default levels. -------------------