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Created by Dave Borgman
23 levels
Last updated November 14, 1999


Download DaveB2.dat from Yahoo group archive


Below is a list of levels in this set. Only levels marked with a gravel background will be included in the voting for CCLP3.
For an explanation of the eligibility criteria and the meanings of the Compatible, Busted and Notes fields, click here.

# Title Compatible? Busted? Notes
1. Debug File - - -
2. Password: YKOS - - -
3. Where am I? - - -
4. Follow the Leader - - -
5. Balls on Parade - - -
6. Help! - - -
7. Help! - - -
8. The Diamond - - -
9. What the hell? - - -
10. Huh? - - -
11. Sections - - -
12. Tanks - - -
13. Blobdance - - -
14. Confusion - - -
15. Wanted: Chip - - -
16. Chances - - -
17. Tanks yes - simple
18. Bombs - - -
19. Double Trouble - - -
20. Action Time - - -
21. Chips yes - -
22. leve2 yes - simple
23. leve2 - - -
24. leve2 - - -
25. leve2 - - -
26. leve2 - - -
27. leve2 - - -
28. leve2 - - -
29. leve2 - - -