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Created by Nick Bush
64 levels
Last updated April 17, 2007


Download NickB1.dat from Yahoo group archive


Below is a list of levels in this set. Only levels marked with a gravel background will be included in the voting for CCLP3.
For an explanation of the eligibility criteria and the meanings of the Compatible, Busted and Notes fields, click here.

# Title Compatible? Busted? Notes
1. Block The Blob yes - -
2. Ping Pong Toggle yes - simple
3. Burning Bombs yes - -
4. N the fire yes - -
5. Disgruntled Paramecia yes - -
6. Bug Parade yes - requires playing skill
7. Rusty Keys yes - -
8. Switching Lanes yes - -
9. Marooned yes - requires patience
10. Home Base yes - -
11. Chip Dash yes - -
12. Six Keys yes - has some randomness
13. Labyrinth yes - -
14. Couldn't think of a level name - - -
15. Network - - -
16. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yes - requires playing skill, simple
17. Apple for Teacher (?) - - -
18. Teeth Brigade - - -
19. Secret Message - - -
20. Standing Guard - - -
21. Use the Fireball - - -
22. ACK!!! - - -
23. 6 Keys, 6 Blocks - - -
24. Frustration yes - -
25. All I need is one key... - - -
26. A Boy and his Block - - -
27. The Battle of the Ball - - -
28. Blob Prom I- First dance yes - requires luck
29. Blob Prom II- Homecoming yes - requires luck
30. Blob Prom III- Snow Ball - - -
31. Blockage - - -
32. Blob Prom IV- Junior Prom - - -
33. Blob Prom V- Senior Prom - - -
34. The Second Battle of the Ball - - -
35. Chip the Dentist yes - -
36. Treasure Lake - - -
37. No Diggity - - -
38. The Third Battle of the Ball - - -
39. Force Maze unequal - -
40. Collision Course - - -
41. Don't Touch the Chip - - -
42. Forcefully Speaking unequal - -
43. Not Creatively Inclined - - -
44. Be Patient - - -
45. Rush I - - -
46. Rush II - - -
47. Rush III - - -
48. Rush IV - - -
49. SwimShoe - - -
50. BlockHunt - - -
51. Slaughter in the Water - - -
52. All This Junk for One Chip - - -
53. Box - - -
54. Gingersnap - - -
55. 7 Blue Keys - - -
56. Ankh - - -
57. Victory! - - -
58. Fortress o' Fun - - -
59. Penicillin - - -
60. Checkerboard III - - -
61. 4x4 - - -
62. Inside Out - - -
63. Yet Another Adventure Level - - -
64. Jail Cell - - -
65. Stay tuned for updates. - - -