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Created by Nikola Tesla
90 levels
Last updated June 14, 2009

Additional Notes

View the scoreboard for this set at pie guy's site.


Download NikoT1.dat from pie guy's site


Below is a list of levels in this set. Only levels marked with a gravel background will be included in the voting for CCLP3.
For an explanation of the eligibility criteria and the meanings of the Compatible, Busted and Notes fields, click here.

# Title Compatible? Busted? Notes
1. Through the Fastest Way - - -
2. Fire Blocks - - -
3. The Diadem of Teeth - - -
4. Chips Ride - - -
5. Blocks,Ice,Water in the Order - - -
6. No Added Colour or Chip - - -
7. The Last Toggle - - -
8. What's Next - - -
9. Tiny Warehouse I yes - -
10. Block,Ice,Water in the Order II - - -
11. Cellblocked Part II - - -
12. Tiny Warehouse II yes - -
13. Glasswort - - -
14. Tiny Warehouse III yes - requires patience
15. Tiny Warehouse IV yes - requires patience
16. Veriteethserum - - -
17. Tiny Warehouse V - - -
18. Box Toggle yes - -
19. Bigger Box Exit - - -
20. Torturous Block Road - - -
21. Box Toggle Part II - - -
22. End of Lemmings - - -
23. It's Hero Time - - -
24. Tiny Warehouse VI yes - -
25. Use The Monster - - -
26. Tiny Warehouse VII yes - requires patience
27. Block,Ice, Water in the order III - - -
28. Chips Ride II - - -
29. Tiny Warehouse VIII yes - requires patience
30. Managing Block - - -
31. Tiny Warehouse IX (special edition) - - -
32. Veriteethserum II - - -
33. Tiny Warehouse XI yes - requires patience
34. It's Hero Time II - - -
35. Tiny Warehouse XII yes - requires patience
36. Exit Arrow - - -
37. Lost Tiny Warehouse(Tiny Warehouse X) - - -
38. Forced Warehouse - - -
39. Tiny Warehouse XIII - - -
40. Ice and Block Boosting - - -
41. Torturous Chips Route - - -
42. Tiny Warehouse XIV yes - -
43. Five Rooms Warehouse yes - requires patience
44. Tiny Warehouse XV - - -
45. Block,Ice,Water in the order IV - - -
46. Tiny Warehouse XVI unequal yes -
47. The Boiler Room - - -
48. Tiny Warehouse XVII yes - requires patience
49. Real Tiny Warehouse XVI - - -
50. Use the Thief - - -
51. It's Hero time III - - -
52. Tiny Warehouse XVIII yes - requires patience
53. Chips Ride III - - -
54. Managing Block II - - -
55. Tiny Warehouse XIX yes - requires patience
56. Duped - - -
57. Tiny Warehouse XX yes - requires patience
58. Medium Warehouse I - - -
59. Medium Warehouse II yes - requires patience
60. Tiny Warehouse XXI yes - requires patience
61. Teeth in Warehouse - - -
62. Glider's Block - - -
63. Medium Warehouse III - - -
64. The Way - - -
65. Quad Dead Side - - -
66. Remember The Way? - - -
67. Medium Warehouse IV - - -
68. Tiny Warehouse XXII unequal - -
69. Tendency to the Order - - -
70. The Hard Way to the Easy Tiny Warehouse - - -
71. Complexity - - -
72. Medium Warehouse V - - -
73. All or Nothing - - -
74. Carry the Block - - -
75. Blockade the Balls - - -
76. No Thief - - -
77. Follow the Chips Road - - -
78. The Second Chips - - -
79. Time to Get Up! - - -
80. Another Chips Road - - -
81. Clean and Clear - - -
82. Complex Warehouse - - -
83. Medium Warehouse VI - - -
84. Stumbling Blocks - - -
85. One Block to Heaven - - -
86. Want to Carry the Block? - - -
87. Advance Warehouse I - - -
88. Burried Blocks - - -
89. Ice Chips - - -
90. Monster Role - - -