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Created by David Stolp (pie guy)
22 levels
Last updated March 15, 2010

Additional Notes

Lynx-compatbile versions of levels from two of David's other sets, pi and pi^2, to be used for CCLP3 consideration.

View the scoreboard for this set at pie guy's site.


Download pieguy.dat from pie guy's site


Below is a list of levels in this set. Only levels marked with a gravel background will be included in the voting for CCLP3.
For an explanation of the eligibility criteria and the meanings of the Compatible, Busted and Notes fields, click here.

# Title Compatible? Busted? Notes
1. somewhat fair yes - -
2. if it looks like a maze... yes - -
3. matching game yes - requires guesswork
4. shortest distance between two points yes - -
5. possible yes - -
6. road block yes - -
7. triple maze yes - -
8. the easy way yes - -
9. type level name here yes - requires patience
10. waterslide yes - requires playing skill
11. mice are good for something yes - requires patience
12. one way streets 2 yes - requires guesswork
13. 2 buttons, 8 traps yes - requires playing skill
14. the hard way yes - -
15. color wheel yes - -
16. too many keys yes - requires guesswork
17. grump jan swim yes - -
18. wisdom teeth yes - requires playing skill
19. choices, choices yes - -
20. lucky 7 yes - -
21. same game yes - -
22. avalanche redux yes - requires patience